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Company History


HISTORY OF Termalistur – S. Pedro do Sul Spa, E.M., S.A.

Termalistur – Termas de S. Pedro do Sul E.E.M., was created by public deed on January 08, 2004.

Considering the growing diversity of local authority responsibilities, the complexity of the management of the largest spa in the Iberian peninsula and the search for a sustainable development of the Spa of S. Pedro do Sul, the Municipality of S. Pedro do Sul understood well the creation of a public company, to the extent that its share capital (€ 4,559,379.00) is wholly owned by the Municipality of S. Pedro do Sul, in order to manage the thermal spas and all the thermal activity, enabling a autonomous and more flexible management, while generating more efficiency.

With the Termalistur – Termas de S. Pedro do Sul, E.M., S.A., as Municipal Public Company, the conditions for the establishment of a dynamic and bureaucratized management were established. After the necessary approvals on its constitution in the City Hall and Municipal Assembly began its activity on March 15, 2004, seeking the maximum effectiveness and efficiency in the management of the Thermal Spas.

In addition to the management of thermal spas and all activities related to thermalism, which are the main object of the company, Termalistur – Termas de S. Pedro do Sul, EM, SA can complementarily carry out ancillary activities related to its main object, namely studies, investment plans and management of related services, in particular among others, tourism, water exploration and transformation and the provision of transport services, as well as all actions leading to the valuation of the historical and natural heritage of S. Pedro southern.

The Termalistur – Termas de S. Pedro do Sul, E.M., S.A .. as a Municipal Company is subject to the tutelage of the Municipal Council and its activity plans, budgets, reports and accounts lack approval by the City Council.

We hope to continue in the coming times to contribute to the success and aggrandizement of the Spa of S. Pedro do Sul.

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